Order Acopian BirdSavers™
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‘Aluminum Velcro Tabs’ mounting choice: 7/8″ tall Aluminum Tabs anchor the horizontal ‘support cord’ by attaching above the window with velcro. The BirdSavers can be easily installed or removed. But the velcro on the aluminum tabs won’t last forever. Depending on many variables, it can last anywhere from one month up to four or more years. Therefore, we recommend the “Screws and Clamps” mounting choice. The advantage of using Screws and Clamps for mounting is that you will never need to replace the velcro when/if the velcro adhesive fails.
‘Screws and Clamps’ mounting choice: The advantage of using Screws and Clamps for mounting is that you will never need to replace the velcro when/if the velcro adhesive fails. The Clamps and the Screws are very small. The Screws are #6 x 3/8 stainless steel sheet metal screws.
"Distance A" is the distance from the horizontal ″support cord″ to the top of the glass. Be sure your ″Distance A″ is between about 0.5 inches and 8 inches. Otherwise, your measurement is probably incorrect.
Replacement Aluminum Velcro Tabs can be ordered here.
•Rectangular BirdSavers with Bottom Tie-downs
•Trapezoidal BirdSavers with Bottom Tie-downs
•Bottom Tie-down cord for Acopian BirdSavers
•Trapezoidal BirdSavers with Bottom Tie-downs
•Bottom Tie-down cord for Acopian BirdSavers