Acopian BirdSavers with Aluminum Bar on Top

To order Acopian BirdSavers with a Top Aluminum support bar, these four items are required:

  1. Glass Width
  2. Glass Height
  3. Total Distance 'A'
  4. Mounting choice
  5. Total Height
  • Measure the Width and Height of the GLASS. If there is more than one pane of glass in your window, you may want to have a look at the "Acopian BirdSavers Cord Spacing Examples" before taking any measurements.

  • Determine Distance 'A'. This is the distance from the Top Horizontal Aluminum Support Bar to the top horizontal edge of the glass. Be sure your Distance 'A' is between about .05 inches and 8 inches. Otherwise, your measurement is probably incorrect. (Click here to see Distance 'A'.)

Because it is so much more expensive to ship the long "Aluminum Bar" BirdSavers than the All Paracord BirdSavers, the customer will be charged the actual shipping costs for shipping these (for all other BirdSavers shipping is free).

Click here if you want to make your own BirdSavers (DIY).

Acopian BirdSavers are hand-made to order.

We can make BirdSavers for ANY window. For very large windows, unusual shaped windows, or for commercial installations please contact Acopian BirdSavers. Please send photos of your windows with your inquiry to

To order, or to get a quote, for Acopian BirdSavers with a Top and Aluminum Support Bar, complete the information below. (To get a quote, instead of ordering, simply enter the word "quote" into the Coupon/Gift Certificate field during checkout):
2 Aluminum Bars photo