Prevent birds from flying into windows.
Zen Wind Curtains are a Simple Way to Save Birds
• Buy Acopian BirdSavers
• Make Acopian BirdSavers
- Elegant solution to the major problem of bird window strike kills.
- Simple design.
- Aesthetically pleasing.
- And it works!
(a.k.a. Zen Wind Curtains)
"Forget about the fact that they save birds. They just look cool."
Why do birds sometimes fly into glass?

"Hummingbirds were always flying into a big picture window at our mountain house. Since installing the BirdSavers we haven’t had any fly into the window."
-- Diane B., Mineral Bluff, GA
(BirdSavers in place for 7 months.)

"The BirdSavers are on every window of our passive solar house, all 17 of them. BirdSavers are truly just that -- they save birds! We had multiple fatal strikes every year until we installed these marvellous cords. Swallows, starlings, kingbirds, sparrows, finches, even a pheasant. We were heartbroken with every one and tried everything we could find: decals, CDs hung on fishing line, mylar streamers. Nothing worked. But BirdSavers do! We have had them for over 4 years now and have had no bird strikes! We couldn't be more pleased with the way they work, the way they look, the easy installation and everything about them. BirdSavers are miraculous -- they do what they promise and do it simply and easily. We encourage everyone to "stop the thuds" and install Acopian Birdsavers. The birds will thank you! I believe in every word I wrote and we will always be grateful to Acopian BirdSavers. Thanks, Jeff!"
-- Lynn Walker, Ritzville, WA
See all 140 user comments about BirdSavers here"After three years of increasing problems with orioles, cardinals and robins hitting our windows, I came across the Acopian website. I followed the directions and made Zen Wind Curtains for seven of our windows.... easy to make and attach. What a difference they have made. Since they have been up, we have had no deaths of birds flying into the windows. The BirdSavers do not interrupt our views. Cleaning windows is easy, and does not require removal. We have had the curtains in place now for several years, and have shared the BirdSavers web site with other interested friends. They are a great solution... and such an easy solution, if only people knew about them. I am also impressed that while the site also sells the curtains pre-made, the instructions to "make your own" are shared for free, and are so easy to follow, so as to make them readily available. Acopian BirdSavers is a successful, inexpensive and attractive answer to help save our winged friends!"
-- BirdSavers DIYer, Iowa
See all 140 user comments about BirdSavers here"The BirdSavers are on the outside of large sunroom windows. A bird feeder is about 25 feet away. Before I put the BirdSavers up I was going to take the feeder down as too many birds hit the sunroom windows. The BirdSavers were installed three years ago or so and not one bird has hit my windows since then. None. They are amazing. I am totally satisfied with the results. They resulted in NO Bird strikes for over three years. They also look good on the Windows. We barely see them when we look out the windows in our sun room. I highly recommend this product to everyone who wants to prevent bird deaths from strikes."
-- Peggy Brennan, North Haven, CT
(BirdSavers in place for 2 years, 11 months.)
Put Acopian BirdSavers on Your Killer Windows.
Some quick and simple measurements are all that are needed for you to order custom hand-made, cool looking Acopian BirdSavers for your windows! Or use our simple instructions to make DIY BirdSavers yourself.
"Acopian BirdSavers offer a practical and effective way to reduce window kills. I recommend them wholeheartedly."
-- Keith L. Bildstein, Ph.D.
Professional Ornithologist and Conservationist
A Simple Way to Save Birds!
When people think of bird mortality they usually think of cats, wind turbines, and pesticide poisoning, among other causes. In fact, in North America the largest number of birds are killed each year by glass!
Listen to BirdSavers on the radio:
• NPR’s You Bet Your Garden show• Laura Erickson’s For The Birds show
Scientific paper downloads about Acopian BirdSavers (PDF):
- "Evaluating the Effectiveness of Select Visual Signals to Prevent Bird-window Collisions" that appears in the June 2013 issue of The Wilson Journal of Ornithology published by the Wilson Ornithological Society.
- "Evaluating the Effectiveness of Acopian BirdSavers to Deter or Prevent Bird-Glass Collisions" by Dr. Daniel Klem, Jr.
Acopian BirdSavers can be used to comply with the "LEED Credit Pilot 55 - Bird Collision Deterrence". Prevent birds from flying into windows.
if you want people to know about this easy, elegant, inexpensive technique to prevent birds from dying at our windows.

Acopian BirdSavers are a very simple, elegant, aesthetically pleasing solution to the major problem of bird window strike kills. I feel that once anyone uses this design, they will be convinced that it should be at the top of anyone’s arsenal of techniques who desires to easily prevent bird¬-window collisions. A vast majority of people who have Acopian BirdSavers on their windows or have seen Acopian BirdSavers on windows, if they even notice them, admire the aesthetic look of them. And people who have them on their windows are happy to not be killing birds anymore.
I feel great satisfaction when BirdSavers are used because house or building aesthetics are not compromised, birds are being saved, and people are happy with the results.
- Jeff Acopian
Easton, Pennsylvania